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MyTRIBE Family Pass (75% OFF) Membership MyTRIBE Family Pass (75% OFF)

Use the code FAMILY2020 to claim 75% OFF your first month!

Simply fill out the form below (and create a password) and click Continue. Then, on the checkout page where it says Discount Code, type the word: FAMILY2020 (you will save $30!)

Sign up today, cancel anytime!

Every weekend you will receive an exclusive weekly episode with a new interactive family game & activity to turn your weekend into a Family Bible Experience for only $10 a week. (Or upgrade to an Annual Pass to save $5 a week!)

TRANSFORM your TV into a church service for the entire FAMILY and keep your kids learning, laughing & loving the Bible throughout the week!

*This offer expires on May 7th!

Total (including taxes)
Free for 10 days
USD $40.00/month after trial
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